
Download lumberloon deck
Download lumberloon deck

download lumberloon deck

Sadly I've never experienced that because once you reach 4600 trophies, half of your opponents are max leveled, let alone the full star leveled players at 5600. This is a great deck even 3 levels underleveled and therefore is insanely powerful overleveled. Megaknight decks are easily countered, one of the plays i used to see the most was Megaknight bats at the bridge and princess with dark prince sort of makes that push look stupid. The two most dangerous would have to be Golem and E-Giant decks as the dps simply isnt enough to remove a golem in time and most of the dps is gone when facing egiant because for some reason thats balanced.

download lumberloon deck

Not a lot of decks seem to consistently get the best of this one, not without being higher level that is. You might be thinking "what about bats and minions" don't, by the time the bats or minions are down, anything on the ground has been wiped out by the huge charge damage and dps from the lumberjack and dark prince and even if the balloon doesnt get a hit, they're sure to fuck up the tower. I've seen too many teslas, inferno towers, wizards, e-wiz die to this push to count and the only real counter is minion horde, to which I say, eat flaming arrows. Whether the Dark Prince goes in front or stays behind doesn't matter, either tank means the balloon gets massive damage. Main push goes as follows: Dark Prince at king tower, build to 9 elixir, by this point the dark prince should be just behind the bridge, LumberLoon right in front of the Dark Prince.

download lumberloon deck

Anyway, this deck is very defensive based and requires pretty precise spawning if you want it to work to its fullest extent. This is my LumberLoon deck, havent seen anyone else use it which is kind of weird considering how it got me into master at level 10.

Download lumberloon deck